How we support you

We support people with Primary Immune Deficiency (PID) and their carers by offering help and advocating for change to help ‘fix’ problems that people with PID may have. If you’re struggling or need help, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

AusPIPS is patient led and the majority of our committee know what it’s like to have a PID or to care for someone with a PID — either a child or partner. We also have qualified people who are happy to provide personal support, including the simple act of listening.

What we do

We have an Advisory Panel of medical professionals whom we seek advice from, to help us help people with PID.

We work directly with Australian governments and government departments to help improve the healthcare system. Our aims is to ensure that people with PID get the best healthcare possible so that they have the best quality of life possible.

We also work to encourage people with PID and chronic secondary medical conditions, to help themselves stay as well as possible and to also aid recovery, when they become more unwell than usual.

Advocating for you

The supporters of AusPIPS Inc. formed this organisation so it has the legal power to act and to work in all states and territories of Australia.

We work directly with people who have PID, as well as governments, hospitals and medical professionals and advocate to help enhance and improve the health care system that looks after people with PID, in Australia.

If patients or their carers contact us when something goes wrong, in a part of the treatment or management process, we will act as soon as possible to alert the right people and help remedy the situation. We will do this by contacting the relevant physician, hospital unit, hospital management, the health department, or government body.

We believe that governments, hospitals and medical professionals want to help enhance and improve the health care system and will act to do so, when they are made aware that something has gone wrong — this has certainly been our experience so far.

As well as coming up with a solution to the specific problem at hand, it also positively enhances and improves the relationship between the patient and the treating physicians and allied staff, resulting in all round better management of Primary Immunodeficiency and secondary chronic diseases. Other members of the Australian population also benefit by being treated in an enhanced and improved system.


If you or a family member require support, please contact us.